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Rue89 | Une controverse qui a secoué la Grande-Bretagne l’été passé

Grande-Bretagne : pour éviter le retour aux menottes, tapez « maison »

La douane britannique a décidé d’innover dans sa lutte contre l’immigration illégale. Les autorités ont en effet lancé une campagne publicitaire visant à raccompagner les sans-papiers, à moindre coût et sans heurts.

Article publié dans Rue89, le 23 juillet 2013. Il reprend une nouvelle révélée sur le site du Daily Mail le même jour.

La personne qui fait appel à nous se verra prise en charge par les services de l’Etat et rentrera chez elle sans encombres. Par contre, prévient l’affiche, il ne sera plus possible de se rétracter une fois la démarche entamée. En clair, ou l’on repart volontairement, ou l’on est arrêté.

Cliquez ici pour lire le communiqué de presse officiel du Gouvernement anglais:

Vans displaying large adverts encouraging illegal migrants to return home voluntarily will be driving around London in a one week pilot.

A pilot scheme that aims to encourage illegal migrants to leave the UK voluntarily has been launched in London on Monday (22 July).

Vans displaying large adverts, as well as leaflets, posters and messages in local newspapers will be used to highlight the advantages of returning home voluntarily – while making clear enforcement action will be taken if they do not.

Illegal immigrants

Over the next week, two vans will be driven around Hounslow, Barking & Dagenham, Ealing, Barnet, Brent and Redbridge and will show residents how many illegal migrants have recently been arrested in their area. They will also show a text number that migrants can message to arrange their return.

Immigration Minister Mark Harper said:

We are making it more difficult for people to live and work in the UK illegally. Every single day our enforcement officers are arresting, detaining and removing people with no right to be in the UK.

But there is an alternative to being led away in handcuffs. Help and advice can be provided to those who cooperate and return home voluntarily.

This pilot is just another part of the reforms of the immigration system that have cut out abuse and seen net migration drop to its lowest levels in nearly a decade. The Immigration Bill being introduced later this year will build on this work by restricting illegal migrants’ access to benefits and services.

Voluntary returns are the most cost-effective way of removing illegal immigrants and save the taxpayer money. This pilot builds on the government’s current work on voluntary returns, which saw more than 28,000 voluntary departures last year.

Cost effective

The areas were chosen because they have either significantly higher or below average numbers of voluntary returns, meaning that the success of the pilot can be assessed.

Material has also been distributed in areas where illegal migrants are known to frequent, including newsagents, money transfer shops and internet cafes.

Immigration Bill

The pilot follows the launch of three consultations earlier this month which are looking to regulate illegal migrant access to public services and the right to live and work in the UK.

Forming part of the new Immigration Bill, these proposals include regulating temporary migrants’ access to the NHS, requiring landlords to check the immigration status of tenants and tougher civil penalties for rogue employers that continue to exploit illegal immigrants.

Pour en savoir plus, référez-vous à ces articles:

Une réponse en vidéo par un poète, « George the Poet ». George Mpanga, fils d’immigrés, a grandi à Stonebridge Park, à Nord-Ouest de Londres, il a dernièrement terminé ses études à l’Université de Cambridge.

Cliquez ici  ou sur l’image ci-dessous pour voir la vidéo (en anglais).


Et les contre-affiches…

contre-afficheVoir aussi l’article « Home Office vans: Unite union in ‘race hatred’ query« , publié dans The Guardian, le 2 août 2013.

Et après les affiches, les sms…